
Dec 2, 2017

The 6 MAIN Causes of Tooth Discoloration

 it’s crucial that you first understand exactly what kinds of food and drink lead to tooth discoloration in the first place - so you can at least stop your teeth from getting any worse...

The 6 MAIN Causes of Tooth Discoloration

RED WINERed wine is notorious for staining teeth. The acids in wine eat away at tooth enamel, creating rough spots that make teeth more vulnerable to staining. And it also contains chromogens and tannins, which help the color stick to your teeth.

TEA/COFFEE: Like wine, tea and coffee are rich in acidity and stain-promoting tannins. Pigments from these dark-colored drinks become embedded in the microscopic pits and ridges of your tooth enamel, causing permanent, yellowing stains on your teeth.

SOFT DRINKS: Acidic and chromogen-rich soft drinks can also cause significant staining. Recent research has found that highly acidic drinks - like sports or energy drinks - can erode tooth enamel, setting the stage for staining. In fact,the acidity in some carbonated drinks is so intense that it actually compares to the acidity in battery acid!

CIGARETTESIngredients include ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, as well as other poisonous chemicals like nicotine and tar. When a cigarette is lit, these substances start burning, which changes their chemical properties. When inhaled, smoke passes through the mouth, leaving a sticky residue on the teeth, and instant staining.

SWEETSHard candies, chewing gum, popsicles and other sweets often contain teeth-staining coloring agents. If your tongue turns a funny color, there’s a good chance that your teeth will be affected, too.

ANTIBIOTICSTooth staining is also caused by antibiotics, such as tetracycline, which discolours the tooth enamel itself. So if you’ve been heavy on the antibiotics in recent years, there’s a good chance that it has contributed to any discoloration.  
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Nov 5, 2015

5 Major Benefits of the Indian Adaptogen Ashwagandha

If you are looking to restore your energy, look younger, and reverse disease then ashwagandha may be the herb you’re looking for. 

The Indian herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the most highly regarded botanicals in the 5,000-year-old system of natural medicine known as Ayurveda. It’s known as the “strength of the stallion,” since it has traditionally been used to strengthen the immune system after illness.

Considered a rasayana (life extender), ashwagandha root is used with excellent results for overall vitality. In the Indian Materia Medica, which is a compendium of beneficial botanicals, ashwagandha is described as beneficial for general debility, impotence, brain fatigue, low sperm count, nervous exhaustion and in cases in which general vigor needs to be restored.

Ashwagandha, which is an excellent source of antioxidants, is classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it improves the capacity of a person to adapt to environmental, physical and mental changes by modifying the metabolism and other processes in the body.

Adaptogens improve cell replenishment, which in turn reduces fatigue symptoms and exhaustion, while increasing the resilience of the body and imparting more stamina for physical activities.

Major Benefit #1: Boost Natural Energy (The Kind You Want!)

A lot of people are hooked on the temporary energy obtained from caffeine. Energy from caffeine 

comes from the stimulation of the central nervous system. There’s nothing wrong with this, but if you rely on caffeine alone for energy you’ll eventually experience a crash. 

You can also increase energy by enhancing the body’s own energy-producing mechanisms within cells. 

Notably, the primary unit of cellular energy, which is called ATP. 

And that’s what ashwagandha extract does. It causes the cells in the body to produce more cellular ATP. The result is energy--without the jitters.

In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, 25 people were given 300 milligrams of the proprietary ashwagandha extract KSM-66 twice a day, while another 25 participants were given a placebo.

Overall, subjects given ashwagandha extract experienced substantial reductions in blood concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol. This resulted in reduced levels of stress and anxiety and at the same time, improved energy levels.

There’s a large body of psychiatric science showing that lower stress levels are linked to a decrease in moderate anxiety and depression. 

Reducing stress liberates energy in the body and has a specific enlivening effect in the brain, relieving mental fog and enhancing mental alertness.  

Major Benefit #2: Improve Thyroid (The Master Hormone Control) Health

I consider ashwagandha a superfood when it comes to improving the health of your thyroid.  Scientists don’t completely understand how adaptogens work, but we know they can be extremely effective, especially at balancing hormones.

One of the most incredible aspects about adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha is that it can help people with both hypo and hyper thyroid issues.  It has been shown to support a sluggish thyroid for people diagnosed with Hashimotos, and has been shown to improve the health of those with an overactive thyroid or Graves disease.

Adaptogenic herbs work with your body to bring you back into balance whether your hormone levels are high or low.

Animal studies reveal ashwagandha has a thyroid hormone balancing effect.  

In a 20-day study, mice were give ashwagandha and their T3 and T4 levels were analyzed along with lipid peroxidation (anti-oxidant protection).  Significant increases in serum T4 were found which indicates this herb has a stimulatory effect on a sluggish thyroid.

There are currently millions of people who struggle with thyroid problems (many who don’t even know it) and ashwagandha may just be the solution they are searching for.

This hormonal improvement was also accompanied by a noticeable reduction in hair loss.

Major Benefit #3: Skyrockets Brain Health

Emotional, physical, and chemical stress can all have damaging effects to the brain and nervous system.

Recent research has proven ashwagandha is more than a stress reliever, it also protects the brain from degeneration and improves symptoms of alzheimer’s, depression, and anxiety.

One of the main reasons ashwagandha is so effective at healing the brain has to do with it’s powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals that cause aging.  A study published in Phytotherapy Research explain these benefits:

“Several studies have revealed that natural antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-

carotene, may help in scavenging free radicals generated during the initiation and progression of this [Alzheimer’s] disease.  But we found Ashwagandha afforded lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects more potent than commercial antioxidants.”

Researchers at the National Brain Research Centre found mice with alzheimer’s were unable to retain what they learned, but after 20 days of supplementing with ashwagandha, this improved significantly.  

The results of the study found a reduction in amyloid plaques (these cause degradation of the brain).

Major Benefit #4: Mood Enhancement

There is also now evidence that ashwagandha is effective at healing both anxiety and depression.  In fact, in a recent study its results were comparable to common pharmaceutical drugs lorazepam and imipramine--without the side effects.

In the 12-week controlled study, 87 participants with anxiety were given 300mg of ashwagandha two times a day or two placebo pills two times per day.  The group treated with ashwagandha resulted in much greater improvements in anxiety as well as focus, reduced stress, and decreased fatigue than the placebo group.

The other major benefit of ashwagandha is that there are no adverse reactions by taking it compared to anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications which can have terrible side effects.

Major Benefit #5: Increases Stamina and Endurance

Studies have shown that ashwagandha can boost endurance during physical activity by sharpening brain function and reducing bodily pain. 

Due to its positive calming, yet energizing, effects on the brain and ability to lower stresshormones,ashwagandha showed improvements in concentration, motivation, and stamina in conducted studies.

One particular study found that when lab rats were given ashwagandha, they actually were able to swimtwice as long compared to the same type of rats that were not given the supplements. 

Researchers believe similar effects take place in humans due to the extract’s ability to balance adrenal hormones that are involved in physical activity. The extract was also shown to reduce bodily pain in the muscles and joints while at the same time keeping energy levels more steady.  Another reason it could be a promising supplement for athletes, or for those who find it difficult to be physically active due to pain.

As you can see, ashwagandha is an adaptogenic superstar that can have some tremendous health benefits.  

That’s why I decided ashwagandha one of the 11 SUPERFOODS in this breakthrough health and nutrition product:

Organifi--the #1 Best-tasting Organic Green Drink on the Internet!

Get the Organifi by clicking the image below:

What’s Organifi?

Imagine having all the health, beauty and anti-aging advantages of daily juicing--with none of the disadvantages.

No bad taste. No expensive vegetables and fruits to purchase. No preparation. And no time consuming, messy clean up.

Go ahead now and watch this short video and discover for yourself the next healthiest thing to live juicing.

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7 Secret Benefits of Coconut Water You Didn’t Know

Drew Canole here from fitlife.tv with great news about this unique, up-and-coming health food.

Actually, it’s more of a superfood.

Until about 3 years ago, nobody knew about the secret benefits of coconut water. Except maybe the Polynesians.

Here are 7 reasons it’s become the new “overnight” sensation for the health-minded and beauty conscious:

Secret #1: Shed fat.

Coconut water has been proven to suppress the appetite and makes you feel full because of its rich nature (even though it’s extremely low in fat.) That translates to less calories.

Secret #2: Who else wants blemish-free, moisturized, toned skin?

For those with acne or other blemishes, topical application of coconut water has the ability to clear up, reduce pore size and tone the skin. It also moisturizes the skin from within when ingested orally. This explains why beauty products contain generous amounts of coconut extract!

Secret #3: Upset tummy?

Irritable bowel? Coconut water has been known to provide quick relief. Because of its high concentration of fiber, it aids in the prevention of indigestion and reduces acid reflux.

Secret #4: Better for you than Gatorade.

The ingredients in coconut water are more effective at hydrating the human body than those of sports and energy drinks. As you are aware, during rigorous exercise, the human body loses mineral-rich fluids.

Hydration is a must.  And, coconut water is there to serve as an excellent replacement medium with 294 mg of potassium and 5 mg of natural sugar per glass.

Secret #5: Reduces blood pressure.

An unusually unbalanced levels of electrolytes can often result in high blood pressure. Because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism.

Secret #6: Packed with essential minerals.

Unlike any other beverage on the market, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium.

Secret #7: Can be used in lieu of human blood!

Since it has similar attributes of human plasma, coconut water has been know in extreme emergencies to be used to quickly rehydrate the human body when administered intravenously.

Amazing, uh?

That’s why I decided to include coconut water as one of the 11 SUPERFOODS in my flagship health and nutrition product:

 Organifi--the #1 Best-tasting Organic Green Drink on the Internet!

What’s Organifi?

Imagine having all the health, beauty and anti-aging advantages of daily juicing--with none of the disadvantages.

No bad taste. No expensive vegetables and fruits to purchase. No preparation. And no time consuming, messy clean up.

Go ahead now and check this out and discover for yourself the next healthiest thing to live.

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How to Whiten Your Skin Naturally?

If you are one of the millions of people around the world who wish to have a lighter and a fair complexion, then you are probably looking for the most effective ways to whiten your skin. There are many cosmetics that are offering the promise of a fair, beautiful skin, but every consumer should be aware of the fact that cosmetics may include harmful chemicals that can be unsafe for the skin. While some of these chemicals can be harmful to your skin, there could be other adverse effects that may occur that could affect your health in general. According to a survey by the British Skin Foundation, 16% of dermatologists believe that lightening creams are unsafe, and 80% believe that only creams prescribed by dermatologists are safe. It is your best judgment to resort to using the natural and safe way to whiten your skin by finding good organic products and home remedy treatments that are considered safer and healthier to the skin.
Natural Ways to Whiten Your Skin
If you prefer to use the natural way of whitening the skin, there are many natural foods, vitamins, and minerals that are known to have lightening qualities in them.
  • Lemon
When added in water or rubbed directly on the skin from the pulp, lemon can produce a lightening effect to the skin. It is said that citric acid or vitamin C is abundant in lemon, lime, orange, and other citrus fruits. It plays a major part in the production of collagen which helps keep the skin firm.  Citric acid has also been shown to slow down the activity of overactive melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin in the lowest layers of the skin which causes the skin to tan or become darker.
  • Aloe Vera Gel
When taken directly from the Aloe Vera plant, Aloe Vera gel can mitigate hyperpigmentation, rebuild cells and even the skin tone.  Likewise, new cell growth is encouraged by the cooling effects of aloe.
  • Niacin (Vitamin B-3)
Niacin is known to suppress the production of melanin (pigment) to the skin. Vitamin B applied to localized areas of the skin discoloration or dryness improves the ability of the skin to retain moisture.  The result is a softer, smoother, and more supple skin.
  • Morus Alba
Morus Alba or white mulberry extract naturally inhibits the enzyme tyrosinase. Tyrosinase triggers the production of melanin which is a broad term for a family of pigments in the skin that can cause skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation.

  • Yogurt
Aside from possessing many nutrients that are good for overall health, yogurt also contains lactic acid that has bleaching properties. It is applied and used in treating all skin types by simply leaving the yogurt on the skin and washing it off with a lukewarm water after a few minutes. When done once a day for several weeks, a noticeable change in the complexion will become apparent.
  • Garbanzo bean flour
Garbanzo bean flour is one of the best natural sources for people who wish to lighten their skin complexion. Simply mix some garbanzo bean (chick pea) flour with a small amount of water to make a thick paste and then apply it on the face, hands and legs to whiten your skin. Allow the paste to dry and then wash off the application with water.
  • Phyllanthus Emblica (Indian gooseberry)
Like the citrus fruits, the extract from this plant has an antioxidant component with unique antimicrobial properties and copious amounts of Vitamin C. Emblica protects the skin from photo-damage, effectively reducing wrinkles, holding in check the formation of melanin, and helping the skin to retain natural moisture.
  • Honey
Honey helps lighten the skin while also acting as a moisturizing agent. Dry skin is a common factor that contributes to blotchy, uneven skin color and tones. Honey is also an antibacterial that can help age spots dim, and smooth out acne scars. Apply a pure honey on the face, leaving it on for a few minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. A skin lightening mask can be made by combining one teaspoon of honey and one of lemon juice, one tablespoon of powdered milk, and one-half teaspoon of almond oil. Mix well and apply gently to the skin.  Apply every other day, and leave on for 10 to15 minutes, washing it off with cold water for best results.
  • Teas
Teas are an excellent antioxidant and researches have shown that drinking tea can lower peroxides, a major cause of  skin burn and roughness.
  • Beetroot
Beetroot purges toxins through the body’s metabolism.  It contains potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, fiber and vitamins A, B, and C that will help lighten and make the complexion look fairer.

Chemicals Used for Skin Whitening

There are also synthetic products known to help whiten your skin and they are usually commercially available at any dermatology centers and local cosmetic stores. Most of these whitening products contain the following chemicals that are known to produce SKIN WHITENING effects.
  • Hydroquinone
Hydroquinone is an organic compound known to be a strong suppressor of melanin. It helps to lighten the skin without any bleaching effects. Its main action is to inhibit melanin production on the skin that is responsible for hyperpigmentation and skin darkening. Some countries ban products containing hydroquinone however, owing to the speculations that it may contain carcinogenic chemicals. There is no actual study that can support the actual health risks of the chemical however. Topical applications on the other hand have reported minor negative reaction on the skin when used in high concentrations. The adverse reaction is higher among African women and the reaction usually takes place when it is applied alongside other skin lightening agents such as glucocorticoids or mercury iodine. Hydroquinone has been shown to cause leukemia in mice and other animals, however through heavy oral dosage.
  • Corticosteroids
Corticosteroids are often used as ingredients in cortisone cream, which is known to help reduce skin itching and dry, flaky skins. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps prevent skin breakouts while producing a lightening effect to the skin.
  • Mercurials
Simply known as mercury, mercurials are as compound known for its lightening effects. However, it is rarely used in many cosmetics owing to the body immune system’s sensitivity to mercury that can cause bodily reactions. Metallic mercury vapors or organic mercury may affect many different areas of the brain and their associated functions, resulting in many disorders, including personality changes, tremors, changes in sight (constriction the field of vision), deafness, muscle incoordination, loss of sensation and difficulties with memory. 
Lastly, there are many variations of natural foods, minerals, and herbal agents that can offer the safest, not to mention the tasty ways of achieving a lighter skin tone. You can whiten your skin safely using the natural healing power of nature without the risk of toxicity. Choosing the right products to apply on the skin in order to obtain the desired whitening effect is crucial to protect yourself against the harmful effects of SKIN WHITENING chemicals that can possibly do more harm than good to your skin health.
Discover a Safer Way to Whiten Your Skin by Clicking Here!
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How to Whiten Your Skin Naturally?

How to Whiten Your Skin

  I will show you how to Whitening Your Skin permanently in just days the natural way and helped thousands of people do the same.

If you 're looking to Whiten or Lighten your Skin Pigmentations, Freckles, Age Spots, Acne Marks, Dark Underarms, Melasma, or Your Overall Skin Color the easy naturally way, then this is by far the most important page you 'll ever read.

But first, let me ask you...

Are You...

  • Suffering From Low Self-Esteem because of how dark or uneven your skin color is?

  • Embarassed or Scared to be seen in Public due to the way your skin looks?

  • Tired of Wasting Money on Expensive Skin Whitening Products that do NOT Work?

  • Applying products that have dried out your skin, making it dark, dry, tight and leathery?


  • Fed-up of using over-the-counter skin bleachers or creams - with ZERO Results?


  • Trying everything from full-body peels to expensive skin treatments to lighten your skin with Little to No Results?


  • Constantly applying sun block to make sure your skin color stays the same?


  • Frightened of having your picture taken because you hate the way your skin looks?
“You 're Not Alone!”

If any of these questions sound like yours, then you 're not alone. 

But, the bad thing is all the misleading information that 's advertised. 

For instance, did you know that chemical peels can be harmful and have a long healing process? And, while your face is “healing” it looks as though your face is literally falling off. 

On top of the false claims, have you seen the price tag on some of these skin whitening treatments lately? Some cost thousands of dollars and are no better than those hyped up over-the-counter products that do absolutely nothing for the majority of whiter skin seekers, like you. 

“But Who Am I To Know? My Story...”

First, let me tell you, I 'm naturally a Jamaican woman of color. I was born with a dark brown skin and have lived most of my youth years pretty unaware of the problems my skin color was going to cause me. 

As a matter of fact, my mother is Caucasian (White). She is originally from the UK and met my father while on holiday. She fell in love with him and they quickly married and moved to Jamaica. 

A year or so later, I was born; a tiny 6lb baby girl with dark brown skin. Even if my mother was as white as it can be, I took after the physical characteristics of my colored father. 

It did not take long and I had a younger sister. She, unlike me resembled our mother and her skin was as white as snow. 

My sister and I grew up to be very close. Apart from the difference in our skin color, we were like twins, same height, same look and with a very similar personality too. 

“But The Happy Years Were Ending..”

Years went by fast and somewhere in my teenage years I started noticing a trend: “My sister was having more success than me in everything she did" 

I loved my sister but was eager to know why she found a summer job as easy as 123 while I searched for a whole month and found only closed doors. 

And why she was with her 2nd boyfriend while I was never ever been asked for a date! 

Long story short, one day I found an article that opened my eyes and could explain all my questions, it stated that: 

“White People have all the advantages in the world; they get jobs easier, earn the highest salaries and attract more handsome partners.” 

Those words were hard on me. Having grown with a Caucasian sister I knew deep inside that they were true. 

“My Journey to a Whiter Skin”

From that day onwards, I started using skin whitening products on a daily basis. I tried Skin Whitening Lotions, Creams, Pills, Soap, Bleaching Gels and many others. Unfortunately without too much success..

Fortunately, my dermatologist prescribed me a product that was being pretty effective - my skin color was getting whiter every passing day and I was very happy with the results. 

Then, a few weeks later I noticed that while my skin was getting whiter, it was also getting dryer, the patchy spots got bigger and started to notice severe skin pigmentation - which made my problem even worse! 

While walking down the street, people actually looked at me in disgust as they scurried as far away from me as they could. Boy.. did that hurt. 

I tried to blend the spots with my natural color with makeup, but people could still clearly tell something was odd with the way I looked. 

“Alone... Ugly... Sad... Insecure... ”

The shame of having people look at me kept me isolated in my house. I felt ugly... sad... insecure...

The worse part about it was that it seemed like I was the only person on the planet who had this problem. Everywhere I looked, I saw girls (and guys) with practically flawless, smooth skin.

Just before I was going to give up, I started researching about skin lightening treatments. I searched from traditional remedies to the latest skin whitening solutions available. 

After years of research, I 'm happy to say I finally found a skin whitening solution that I call nothing short of magical. What was even more exciting was to find out that I could lighten my skin tone for pennies! 

“Finally, A Skin Whitening Solution
That Works!”
But, I couldn 't keep in the excitement when I saw it working and my skin kept getting whiter - and without any pigmentations whatsoever. 

The first time I saw a change, I did a double-take. I couldn 't believe my ugly patches were fading away! It was working! Yes!!!! 

A few weeks later I was finally able to go outside whenever I wanted without feeling like an alien. 

I even got interested eyes from a few handsome men. 

For the first time in my life, I had the clear skin I was proud of! 

After seeing the fantastic results, I decided to share my findings. 

To my amazement, I recieved extraordinary feedback. Some of which is listed below: 

I recently tried your product half-hoping that it would work because I needed to see my family for the holidays and I wanted to look better. I have to tell you I was impressed! In only two days—yes, I am not kidding, two days!—my skin looked better than it did for the past ten years! This is now my fifth day and I am very positive that it will yield more results than I ever imagined! I appreciate what you have done to my life!

--Maria Black

After browsing the web for skin whitening creams I stumbled on your site. For many years, I’ve been suffering from freckles and brown acne marks on my face which caused me great suffering. I have tried EVERYTHING there was in the beauty market and have consulted several dermatologists to no avail! And now, after just a few days following your instructions, the dark spots are completely gone. I cant describe the feeling!


What I like about your solution is that it’s natural, cheap and easy to use.  Aside from that, I learned how to make my own creams and potions, all of which are better than the rest of the commercially available products that are expensive. Thanks!

I am from India and I will never recommend any skin lightening surgery to anyone. Dermatologists were very pessimistic about treating my skin pigmentations with home made remedies – they said that those things do not work. Instead, they recommended skin lightening surgery. I went for it but was left very disappointed. After 2 months waiting for my skin to heal I found out that the surgery caused more black marks than it removed!  No amount of make-up could cover it and it was really bad, considering I wasted a small fortune for the surgery too. But your product changed my life. I searched for a home made remedy and your website was first on the list. After seeing the money back guarantee I thought that this should work or else they wouldn’t offer such guarantee. And that thinking was right, now I am fairer and my skin is even toned. Thank you

--Joseph Said

Eden, I would like to thank you for your latest email with instructions, I really appreciated it. As I said before, my neck and underarms were always darker than the rest of my body. Probably I was born this way. I remember that ever since I was a kid, I hated showing my neck. Therefore I used to wear scarfs all the time, whenever possible – even at school whenever they let me. But now, after trying your solution my skin color has become significantly more even toned, my neck is turning whiter everyday, which is excellent!  How can I ever tell you how indebted I am to you? Thank you so much!


Being a 36 year old lady and having long given up my dream of getting a fairer skin tone. Aside from my age, I am of African-American lineage and have dark spots on my eyebrows and cheeks. They were the cause of years of embarrassment because people constantly looked and stared at them! I have tried make-ups to cover them up but they hardly worked. When I came across your product and read the testimonials, I immediately made my purchase and tried your different approach. A few days later, I am seeing that my skin is already getting whiter which brought a new level of confidence in my personality.. Thank you! 


I had several skin pigmentation issues on different parts of my body. My skin tone was uneven and this has been since I was a small kid. Because of this, I was hesitant to try something new but I eventually gave it a try.  I was so amazed at how your simple solution helped me develop an even and lighter skin tone - In as early as two weeks


Dear Skin Whitening Forever,

I never realized that there was still a chance to lighten my skin. After trying your remedy, the melasma on my forehead disappeared! I found the perfect mix, the dark undertones of my skin were greatly reduced. I used several products in the past, including Amelan, Obagi, and Peels but they never gave me the results I wanted. You helped my skin to see a new light! Thank you so much…
--Jesse Johnson
* Testimonials Published With Client Permission.

Now, it 's time for me to introduce you to Skin Whitening Forever. 

You 'll discover...

1. How to Whiten Your Skin Naturally, Safely and in the Comfort of your Own Home with Effective Results. 

2. The Easy Way to Whiten Skin Pigmentations, Freckles, Age Spots, Acne Marks, Dark Underarms, Melasma, or your Overall Skin Color.

3. How to Make Your Own Skin Whitening Creams for Pennies! These are the same creams that are being sold for Hundreds of Pounds at the Beauty Salons! 

4. About Powerful Skin Whitening Ingredients that can be bought Cheaply from any grocery store.

5. Why Skin Color Constantly Changes by itself - and how you can take advantage of this information for Beautiful Even-Toned Skin!

6. How to Prevent Skin Discolorations, Skin Darkening and Uneven Blotches from happening in the first place. 

7. Popular Products which Claim to Lighten Your Skin but are a Health Hazard and Banned in Most Countries in Europe as well as South America.

8. Which Products Continuously Lighten Your Skin Over Time and which ones Darken It - making your problem even worse!

9. How to Boost the Effectiveness of Any Skin Whitening Products Several Times Over - with an easy yet effective method.

10. Which Diets Play a Serious Role in Whitening your Skin and those that Darken your Skin even more.

And... Much More!

Now, If you think that 's amazing, let me ask you this... 

Are you ready to... 

Have a fabulous and even skin tone? 
Get back your self esteem to do the things you always wanted to and wear the clothes you really want to wear?
Finally release your beautiful, perfect skin to the world?
Get your life back, one that 's free from fear and anxiety due to your skin? 
“It 's Time To Get Your Beautiful Skin Back!”

Remember, not too long ago, I was in your shoes. So, I know exactly what you 're going through. 

That 's right. I 'm a real person, just like you who at one point lost my life due to the hurt and despair of feeling alone... rejected... and ashamed to even go outside my home. 

If you would like to take advantage of the same result. 

Here's how to get started:

Click Here!

Skin Whitening Forever™ provides you with answers to practical, homemade and 

natural solutions, that anyone living in any part of the world can easily perform!
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May 19, 2015

The basic skin care steps, you may not know it

The importance of face wash, naturally goes without saying.  A lot of people see it would say, the right way to wash your face, what, who doesnt know this. But a lot of people are using the wrong method. To master the correct way to wash your face, persist for some time, you will find that your skin will become much smoother. Come to learn and the proper way and  the detailed steps to wash face from me.

Ultra-detailed make-up steps, learn makeup from scratch

Basic skin care steps, you may not know it


First, should pay attention to before washing face

   1, the temperature of the water. Hot water causes the skin's natural moisture loss too much oil, cold water cannot make pores fully open, so it is best to use warm water.

   2, what do you use to wash face.

   Some people simply using water, some people use cleansing products, which can be based on individual skin. Dry skin can only wash with warm water, to prevent dry skin.  Oily skin, however, if only with warm water, the face will still be oilly.

   3, remember to use a towel to graze after washing, remember to graze, or some of the above miscellaneous debris in the towel tends to stay in the pores.

   4, cleansing products do not directly attached to the face, easy to stimulate the skin, the product can be squeezed in your hand, even soft, slightly few drops of water, so rub the foam over many, paste to the face, gentle massage, if feel that is trouble, you can buy one of the foaming, bear in mind here, exhausted after useing the foaming, it must be dry, if shelving in the bathroom, easy to mold. In addition, like toothbrushes as cleaning tools should be changed regularly.

Second, the correct way to wash your face, detailed steps

   Clean your hands - wet face with warm water - play bubble with cleaning products - wash face- rinse with warm water - gently wipe with a towel (remember to gently)
   Do not forget the process. Though a bit cumbersome, but stick to it can really see the change of the skin.

Face Wash Step one:
   First combed your hair neatly, clean your hands, fully wet face with warm water and squeeze cleanser in your hand, rub the thin foam, then roll in the face, hands not force at this time, so  let the Foam fully contact with the skin, then massage the face.

Face Wash Step two:
   Forehead is easy secretion of oil in key areas, so more carefully painted foam, clean the face in the direction that indicated by the arrow.

Face Wash Step Three:
   Gentle massage around the eyes, there will be a lot of people have fats around the eyes, remember that principle is not to let foam contact eyelids

Face Wash Step Four:
   Chin is the exclusive breeding ground of adult acne , circular motion to clean, thoroughly to get rid of dirt.
Face Wash Step Five:
   Nose and nose part is the key.

Face Wash Step Six:
 Don't forget the philtrum.
Face Wash Step Seven:
   Do not forget the hair line, then rinse off with warm water.
   Finally, you can use a little cold water and then pat the face several times, with cold towels stood apply in the face for a while, facial blood circulation, can achieve the effect of pores, even if there is no time to attaining, you can not force to wipe face with towel, struck to buy expensive anti-wrinkle creams and maintenance, it is not worth it.

Face Wash Step Eight:
   The order and orientation of face wash is not important, the most important is a rich foam wash, and rinse off with warm water, but  don't take too long time to wash for cleaner.
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